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Virginia Dale Community Club


 The Virginia Dale Community Club is a non-profit, educational, and charitable organization which receives a substantial part of its support from the general public.  The Club is dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of this celebrated place and to the education of the public about its historical significance.  Won't you please help our small organization in its efforts to make this legendary treasure and vital link to our past a durable piece of history for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations?  You can help by becoming an active member.  You can be involved as much or as little as you want.  Members get updated information about club events and news.  Submit below or print/mail form (membership application).  Memberships are $25/yr per person (must be at least 18 years old).  For convenience, you can set auto-renew at checkout. Online payments include a $1 Credit Card fee.

We also accept tax-deductible donations.

Check areas you would interested in helping with:

Then, choose payment method below:


  • Checks for $25/yr/person can be mailed payable to:


Virginia Dale Community Club

844 County Road 43F

Virginia Dale, CO  80536


  • Use PayPal for one-time credit card purchase or auto-renew every year (cancel anytime)

  • $26 /yr/person  (includes $1 transaction fee)


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Welcome to the club!

Support: Join Us
Support: Donate

Hurzeler Family about 1910s

Support the Club through a Donation

The VDCC accepts donations to further the work of historical education, and maintaining the 1862 Stage Station and 1909 Hurzeler House. We are a 501(c) Non-profit and are very grateful for your financial support.  Donations accepted through PayPal (click or scan below) or checks can be mailed to:

Virginia Dale Community Club

844 County Road 43F

Virginia Dale, CO  80536

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